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Point of Sale, Invoicing, Inventory Software, POS Software

One of the best retail management software packages, Retail Boss POS, is a complete point of sale, ecommerce and invoicing software. If you're looking for a pos system that can provide inventory control, full accounting, sales/inventory tracking, plus a whole lot more, then Retail Boss POS is the pos software you need! Download a copy of the best pos software today.


A quick and convenient program which allows the user to both prepare estimates / work orders  and print invoices from a single screen. Estimates / work orders are stored for future use so they can easily be retrieved and reviewed. The estimates / work orders can either be printed as an invoice or updated.

Inventory and service pricing is automatically calculated as well as the final total of the invoice. This saves time from having to manually calculate the invoice and prevents calculation errors. The inventory is automatically adjusted to reflect the parts used for each invoice. A special "link" function assists in the preparation of the invoice and work orders further reducing the processing time.

Here are just some of the things you can do from the estimate screen for ease of operation.

* Screen displays in Invoice form so you can stick with something that is easy to use and familiar to you
* Lookup customer by Last Name, Home or Work phone
* Lookup customer Invoice history for any customer
* Check daily sales
* Add Inventory, Service Codes, Kit codes, and Part codes while invoicing
* Part Number Look-up and Search by Part number, Service code, Part Code, Kit code, Group, Description, Category, and Vendor
* Review invoices from and date and for any customer
* Split sale between one or more employees
* Invoice can be paid with more than one method of payment
* Customize method of payments (Allowed 20 methods of payment)
* "Pop-up" browse windows to help select customers, part numbers, kit number, service codes, etc. . .
* Can print to multiple printers
* Can print multiple copies of invoices
* Can print estimate/invoice on preprinted forms, plain paper, 11 invoice styles to choose from
* 40 column receipt printer support
* Invoice designer included so you can design your own invoice and estimates
* Custom work authorizations and disclaimers.
* Canned Jobs/Kits.
* Invoice will automatically reflect individual customer's preset discount and price levels (6 price levels)
* Supports electronic cash drawers and barcode readers
* Customer's can have up to 4 tax rates or special fees
* Part numbers can be linked together (i.e. - part numbers will automatically pull up services or other items
* Employee time clock
* Save estimates as either work orders or turn them into invoices
* Put inventory on hold
* Charge accounts
* Layaway accounts
* Special markup feature
* Sell outside parts
* Sell parts that are not in inventory
* Inventory on hand quantities are kept current at all times
* View customers balance and payment history
* Quickly check customers yearly statistics
* Quickly print an envelope to mail a estimate or invoice
* Apply payments to customer accounts
* Print a customer statement
* Popup calendar
* Enter advertisement codes for advertisement tracking
* Add a shop fee based on percentage of invoice
* Schedule appointments


A complete inventory maintenance program. Inventory can be quickly added to the inventory and later updated if necessary. Common services performed can be entered and stored in the inventory section to be used as a "link" function in the preparation of invoices and work orders / estimates..

"Sku Codes" can be set up. For Sku# that have several sub-Sku numbers, Sku codes allow you to choose the correct item to sell.

An Inventory list can be printed. Inventory can easily be reordered either by vendor, sku number, category, description or group. The receive inventory section provides a fast method of entering an inventory shipment. Taking a physical inventory is simplified with the Inventory Count Sheets provided by the program. After the physical inventory is taken the "on-line" inventory can easily be adjusted.

"Kit Codes" can be set up. "Kits" can be very useful. For jobs that require a string of sku#, the kit code can eliminate typing time when preparing invoices and work orders / estimates. Kit codes can also be set up to enable you to run specials.

A global price change can be made to the inventory either by vendor, part number, category, description or group. The price change can be made by dollar amount or percentage. This feature allows you to keep your inventory cost effective.

Another time saving feature is the capability to add vendor price sheets. These price sheets are kept separate from your actual inventory; however, price sheets can easily be converted to your inventory.


Here are just some of the features from the Inventory program.

* Multi-level pricing
* Pricing can be automatically calculated based on preset percentages
* Can access inventory reports by part number, vendor, category, description, or group
* Group field may be used to group many part numbers together
* Save & retrieve purchase order to assist the process of "checking in" inventory order.
* When receiving inventory you can choose averaging or fixed costing
* Can setup a F.E.T. amount
* Automatic generation of purchase orders to same time
* Inventory on hand quantity is reduced as soon a you sell a part
* You can put inventory on hold
* You can have up to a 1000 character part description
* Monthly and Yearly sales statistics
* You can modify most of the Inventory reports with the built in Report Designer
* You can set up a labor amount to automatically come up with the part number on the invoices
* Kit/Canned Job setup
* You can set up a default sales quantity for quicker invoice generation
* Barcode scanning and printing supported
* You can set up unlimited inventory category's and groups
* Global price change by amount or percent
* Reports - Inventory List, Inventory Count Sheets, Inventory Reorder List, Multiple Purchase Order reports, Inventory Price Sheets, etc...
* Vendor Inquiry and Purchase order history
* You can export your inventory to file for use on the Web or in other programs
* Import your vendor price sheets to quickly update your inventory prices and add new part numbers
* You can view inventory levels from other locations with our Multi-Store module
* Link items together for quick invoice generation
* Setup royalty and add percentage amounts
* You can set up General Ledger account numbers for each part number and service code for better financial reporting
* Sales statistics of parts displayed on screen


Customer records can be set up and stored in the Customer Accounts section. Along with basic biographical information, vehicle information can be stored for each customer. Also, a customer can be set up as a charge customer.

Customer lists can be printed to allow for the updating of customer records. Address labels can be printed to be used with mailouts sent to customers.

Customers can be sent letters or postcards. A detailed customer report can be obtained giving sales history.

Here are just some of the features from the Customer Maintenance program.

* Assign individual tax rates or fees per customer
* Assign individual price levels and discount rates
* Assign different price levels for parts and service/labor
* Appointment scheduling
* Customer's sales statistics displayed on screen or to a report
* Customer mailout/follow up - letters and postcards
* Charge accounts
* Layaway accounts
* You can export your customer database for use in other programs (ex.- Internet emailing or word processors)
* Customer reports standard and statistical
* Customer labels and envelopes
* Customer sales history report
* You can modify and design your own reports with the built in Report Designer
* Built-in customer query so you can find out important information (ex. - who was you best customers for the year so you so can send them a thank you letter)
* Print customer labels 1, 2, or 3 across
* Import Customer records from other programs


A daily check out can be completed within minutes. The program automatically keeps track of all sales for the day as well as any money received from owing customers. All that is required to be entered are the daily payouts. A complete Daily Report is printed for record keeping.

Daily Report features:
* A breakdown of sales for the day by category.
* A listing of charge sales by customer name.
* A list of all payouts.
* A list of all money received from owing customers.
* A list of parts used specifying the cost of the part, the markup percentage taken on the part, and the profit amount made from the part.
* A list of invoices printed for the day including the customer's name, net, tax, and total amount, how the customer paid, and the employee who sold the invoice.

Also included in the Report section is the option to have a sales report printed. The report can be printed from any range of dates.

Sales Report features:
* A breakdown of sales for each day by net, tax, and gross sales.
* Shows the amount of sales that were charged and the amount received from owing accounts for each day.
* Shows the amount of payouts for each day.
* Shows the number of invoices printed for each day.
* Shows the total cost and profit amounts for each day.
* Shows the job average for each day.

Also, displayed on the sales report is a list of total sales by category for the dates requested and a breakdown of what method customers used to pay.

Sales Tax Report
* State and local sales tax reports printed.

Five Year Sales Summary
* Each year sales are compared to the previous year's sales.

Advertisement Summary
* Advertisement summary of Sales.

Royalty Summary
* Royalty summary of Sales. Used for computing royalty on sales and is helpful in analyzing sales statistics by job instead of invoice. For example, you may want to know how many service jobs you have done for a particular time period.

Parts & Service Usage
* This report is helpful in analyzing parts and service usage by date range. For example, you may want to know how many labor jobs or a specific part that you sold over a particular time period.

Daily Invoices
* This report is helpful by being able to see a list of invoices for a particular time period.

Charge/Layaway Report
* This report is helpful by being able to see a list of charge and layaway invoices for a particular time period.

Cash Payout Report
* This report is helpful by being able to see a list of cash payouts for a particular time period.

And many other reports included. Review the demo to see all current reports.


An extensive Accounts Receivable section which includes the following features:

* Customer Account Status
* Payment History
* Enter Cash Receipts
* Reports - Invoice Aging, AR Aging, Small Balance, Credit Balance and Cash Forecast
* Print Account Statements
* Print Layaway Statements
* Enter payments and view customer balances from point of sale.
* Apply Finance Charges
* Enter Manual Charges and Adjustments


Keep track of employee information including driver's license and social security number. Capable of printing an employee list that can be used to update employee records. Review employee performance with the Employee Sales Report. Sales are broken down for each employee by category then parts and labor.

* Employee list and labels
* Employee and manager sales reports
* Employee time clock
* Employee time sheet


Setup section allows for individualized requirements to be set for tax rate, mark-up percent, work authorization, and more. Security section allows for multi-level passwords to be activated.

* Multi-level passwords
* Invoice and Estimate setup and customization
* System defaults for quick data entry


The Appointment Schedule can be accessed from the Work Order/Invoice screen. Appointments can be scheduled for any time of day. Daily Schedules can be printed for any date.


* Program backups
* System wide Month end and Year end processing
* Purge sales history

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